Risk factors and pathogenesis mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases, their complications and death causes. Development of diagnostics, treatment and prevention methods

Department Summary Contacts, e-mail Contact person
Department of cardiology n.a.M.S.Kushakovskyj Medical and social issues of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Sergey.Sayganov@szgmu.ru Academic secretary Sergey A. Sajganov
Department of cardiovascular surgery Different types of surgical intervention and comparative evaluation of their results for arteria carotis bifurcation. Coronary artery bypass surgery on functioning heart by patients with acute coronary syndrome. Repeated surgery in case of mitral valve disease. Georgiy.Gorbunov@szgmu.ru Prof. Georgij N. Gorbunov
Department of nursing care and social work Study of medical, social and economical consequences of  rheumatic diseases by elderly people.  Evgeniy.Zotkin@szgmu.ru Prof. Evgenij G.Zotkin
Department of Intermediate Level and hospital therapy Study of risk factors and pathogenesis mechanism of cardiovascular diseases, their complications and death causes. Development of diagnostics, treatment and prevention methods. Tobacco smoking: influence on course of persistent obstinate bronchial asthma, rejection of tobacco smoking in terms of multifunctional hospital. Therapy optimization, use of respiratory support in case of  comorbide pathology. Clinical pathogenetic aspects in forming portal hypertension and sinusoid  blocking syndrome by patients with chronic hepar diseases. Svetlana.Boldueva@szgmu.ru Prof. Svetlana A. Boldueva
Department of functional diagnostics Optimization of functional research methods for diagnostics of cardiovascular and excitatory systems diseases Vladimir.Novikov@szgmu.ru Prof. Vladimir I. Novikov