The All-Russian conference with international participation "Preventive medicine - 2012"

Dear colleagues,

On November 28, 2012 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov holds the All-Russian conference with international participation «Preventive medicine - 2012» according to the order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 224 from 14.03.2012.

Conference will be hold in the following directions:
- Hygiene of children and adolescents;
- Food hygiene and dietology;
- Occupational hygiene and occupational diseases;
- Donozology, prevention of diseases with application of natural compounds;
- Consumer right protection;
- Innovative technologies in preventive medicine;
- Communal hygiene;
- Microbiology and mycology;
- Public health and health care organization. Population life quality;
- Prevention of reproductive diseases at different ages. Preservation of reproductive family reserve;
- Preventive cardiology;
- Nursing care in preventive medicine;
- Modern technologies in dentistry;
- Environmental factors and human health;
- Formation of healthy lifestyle and organization of medical prevention in health care institutions;
- Experimental biology and medicine;
- Epidemiology.

We invite students, young scientists and specialists of your institution to take part in conference work. Following the results of conference work’s digest will be published. For lecturers the publication of theses is obligatory. The lecturers get the certificates of participation in conference. Official language of conference is Russian.

September 1, 2012 is the beginning of participants' registration at the official site of conference opens. The electronic article, the skan copy of receipt and the paper version signed by the research supervisor, handed in by the author personally at the conference site in the section «Information about my participation». Rules of materials submission are preformed in details at the siteкак-принять-участие-в-конференции.
Term of registration and materials submission - till October 15, 2012.

Requirements to the article publication in the conference materials:
Volume by up 2 pages of the typed text, A4 format, portrait orientation. Times New Roman font, size 12, unary line spacing, fields space - 2 cm from all directions.
1-st paragraph – Article title with CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD TYPE IN THE CENTER;
2-nd paragraph – Authors name
3 paragraph – Empty line;
4 paragraph – Names of project heads (for students, interns and graduate students).
5 paragraph – Full names of institutions where authors and heads work or study; city, country;
6 paragraph – Empty line;
7 and the following paragraphs – article text, without hyphenation. Article should be divided into paragraphs: actuality, purpose, materials and methods, the received results and their discussion, conclusions. Paragraphs are not signed. A table or a data chart are possible at the end of article.

At the end of article (out of article volume):

  1. Section name.
  2. Information about the authors and the heads, their full names, the course and the faculty (for the student), year of studies and the chair (for the intern, the resident or the graduate student), position and degree (where possible), institution, e-mail address.
  3. The detailed address where the work’s digest will be sent.
  4. Research supervisor signature with the following contents - "I ask to publish the research work".
  5. Signature of the Head. Institution seal.

The organizing committee reserves the right not to publish the works which not meet the requirements or sent after October 15, 2012.

Payment of publish expenses (of each article) and participation in the conference program is 700 rub. The receipt of contribution for the publication you should get at the official site of conference after materials submission.

The organizing committee settles participants in St. Petersburg hotels of the expense of of conference. Information about accommodation - Dmitry S. Tyagunov, +7 (911) 771 62 44.

Information: Conference secretary – Asya A. Devyatkina, +7 (812) 543 18 17, +7 (911) 984 16 60,

Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation Alexey V. Silin