The All-Russian Congress with international participation "Development of S.P. Botkin creative heritage in national medicine of XXI century"

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the work of the All-Russian Congress with the international participation «Development of S. P. Botkin creative heritage in national medicine of the XXI century» devoted to the 180 anniversary of the outstanding Russian physician which will take part in St. Petersburg on October 17-19, 2012 in the Congress center of the hotel «Park Inn Pribaltijskaya»

registration card
requirements to registration of theses

Congress schedule:
October 17
14.00 – 17.00 – solemn opening of the Congress and anniversary plenary session in «St. Petersburg State Conservatoire named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov», located: Teatralnaya Square, 3

October 18-19
10.00 – 18.00 – plenary and sectional sessions in the hotel Congress center of the hotel «Park Inn Pribaltijskaya» (Korablestroiteley St., 14; metro station "Primorskaya").

Congress center reception works: 17.10.2012 from 10.00 till 16.00, 18-19.10.2012 – from 8.00 till 18.00.

Ministry of Health of Russia, Government of St. Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), North-west office of RAMS, Department of education of Moscow district of the Russian Federation, Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after academician Pavlov, Russian Red Cross, All-Russian Society of Physicians, St. Petersburg Society of Physicians named after S. P. Botkin, Association of Physicians of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Interregional Public organization «Human and his health».

Presidents of the Congress:
V.I. Skvortsova, Minister of Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, G. S. Poltavchenko the governor of St. Petersburg, N.A.Vinnichenko, plenipotentiary of the RF President.
Honourable chairmen:
I.I. Dedov, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, A.I. Grigoryev, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, U.V. Natochin, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, G.A. Sofronov, member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
prof. O. G. Hurtsilava, Rector of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov,           A.G. Chuchalin, member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, A. N. Belskykh, acting Head of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, A.V. Korolev, Head of the Health care Committee of St. Petersburg.
Members of the organizing committee:
B. V.  Afanasyev, U.A. Belousov, S.A. Boytsov, V.T. Ivashkin, U.A. Karpov, A.M. Lila, U.V. Lobzin, V.I. Mazurov, G.A. Melnichenko, A.V. Samtcov, V.I. Simanenkov, E.I. Tkachenko, V.V. Tyrenko, S.B. Shustov, G.B. Fedoseev, V.N. Tcygan.
Scientific committee:
V.L. Baranov, A.U. Baranovsky, B. B. Bondarenko, A.V. Valdenberg,   M. M. Ilkovich, S.V.Stolov, V.I.Trofimov, U.Sh. Halimov.
Secretariat: T.B. Chernova, A.A. Merzlyakova
Press secretary: A.U. Murzina

For about 1000 experts from in-patient and out-patient medical centers of various profiles, medical higher schools and scientific research medical institutions, scientific and clinical centers of St. Petersburg and Moscow, various regions of Russia and also leading foreign experts will take part in the Congress.


Within the program plenary and section sessions, satellite symposiums, round tables and clinical analyses and also the EXHIBITION of pharmaceutical companies’ production, manufacturers of diagnostic tools and medical equipment, medical literature are planned. The scientific program of the Congress includes consideration of questions of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of internal diseases, including virulent and skin diseases, as well aw questions of education and health care organization, organization of nursing care at medical institution i.e. those problems were studied by Sergey P. Botkin.
Preliminary subject of sections of the Congress: cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, hematology, virulent diseases, dermatovenerology, military field therapy, clinical physiology, health care organization, nurse business.


- The invited lecturer.
- Oral message. Submission of theses is obligatory. Duration of the message – by 15 minutes. Performed material should be prepared in the PowerPoint format.
- Posters. Submission of theses is obligatory. Rules of filling out the poster:
The paper poster should be made in the form of broadsheet.
Format: height -120 cm, width - 90 cm. Times New Roman font,
font size – not less than 24.

- Publication of theses is free
Term of theses submission - till July 15, 2012.
Volume is 1 page (Times New Roman font, 12th size, 1,5 interval).
At the beginning of the page should be specified: title, full name of authors, organization (the official name), address, phone and E-mail of the contact person.
Structure of theses: purpose, materials and methods, results and discussion.
Tables, formulas and graphic drawings for the publication couldn't be accepted.
Theses are provided only in electronic form in enclosed Word file with the mark «Theses for Botkin Congress».


Theses and articles will not be published, if:
- theses do not correspond to the Congress subject
- do not meet the requirements
- sent after the fixed date