Visit of Georgiy Poltavchenko, Governor of St. Petersburg in

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Georgiy Poltavchenko, Governor of St. Petersburg visited North Western State Medical University name after I.I. Mechnikov (NWSMU) on March 23, 2013. There was held a meeting regarding the interaction of the city health care institutions and NWSMU. Igor Divinskiy, Vice-Governor – the Head of the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg and Vice-Governor Olga Kazanskaya took part in the meeting.

The governor got acquainted with the work of University clinical centers and laboratories, and also discussed with the Rector of NWSMU Otari Khurtsilava as well as scientists, and teachers the concept of University development for the next 5 years. The question was the participation of the city in the implementation of specific projects, such as construction of NWSMU educational, scientific and clinical complex, and also the use of unique practices of the University creating a single city diagnostic center, nursing school and initiation of information and analytical systems in hospitals and polyclinics of St. Petersburg. Following the results of the discussion Georgiy Poltavchenko gave a number of instructions to work out the offers sounded at the meeting concerning the support of NWSMU projects.

According to the Governor, now it is important to analyze the whole system of the city health care institutions and ways how to increase its efficiency, also at the expense of cooperation with federal medical institutions and higher education institutions. Georgy Poltavchenko emphasized: "It is necessary "to draw" accurately the balance of interaction, and to use all opportunities for citizens of St. Petersburg to receive high-quality and well-timed medical care".