Results of the competition for the best student's scientific work

at NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov in 2013

Eight scientific works of students from the following chairs were given for the competition:

  • General surgery (2);
  • Pharmacology (2);
  • Pathology (1);
  • Biological and general chemistry (1);
  • Nursing with clinical practice (1);
  • Medical microbiology (1).

The Contest Committee was performed by:

The Chairman – Vice-Rector for science and international cooperation Silin Alexey Viktorovich and the members - Ivanova Valentina Fyodorovna, Oreshko Lyudmila Savarbekovna, Maryanovich Alexander Timurovich, Skipskiy Igor Mikhaylovich, Pugach Peter Vladimirovich and Kostyukevich Sergey Vladimirovich considered the works and emphasized the following:

First place – Kebryakov Alexey Vladimirovich (441 gr. Faculty of General Medicine). Hematologic and biochemical signs as severity indexes of intracranial hemorrhage in experiment. Project Head: postgraduate student of the Chair of biological and general chemistry Makarenko Igor Evgenyevich; Head of the Chair of pharmacology, D.Sc. Dyachuk Georgiy Ivanovich

Second place - Karashchuk Natalya Pavlovna (432 gr. Faculty of General Medicine), Kiseleva Mariya Viktorovna (431 gr. Faculty of General Medicine). Comparative clinical-morphological diagnostics of cyclomastopathy and breast cancer on biopsic and operational material. Project Head: associate professor of the Chair of pathology, Ph.D. Novitskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Third place – Koplyarova Nadezhda Sergeevna (614 gr. Faculty of Preventive Medicine) and Zaytsev Vadim Vitalyevich (537 gr. Faculty of General Medicine). Risk factors of cardiovascular instability in the perisurgical period at patients with arterial sclerotic disease of the magistral arteries. Project Head: associate professor of the Chair of general surgery, D.Sc. Ivanov Mikhail Anatolyevich.

The Contest Committee expressed gratitude to all participants!

According to the "Regulations of Students' Scientific Circle" the winners performed their works at plenary session of the conference «Mechnikov Reading — 2013» on April 23. Students-winners of the competition were awarded the diplomas and their research supervisors would be given money bonus.

We congratulate students and their research supervisors! Let's wish pupils and teachers to achieve new success and to conquer higher scientific summits!

Research Supervisor of Students' Scientific Circle, D.Sc. Kostyukevich S.V.