The concept development of the faculty of preventive medicine of

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov for the period 2013-2017

According to the order of the Rector Khurtsilava O.G. it was worked out the concept development of the faculty of preventive medicine of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov for the period 2013-2017. The basis of the concept is the mission of the University including providing with a high-quality education of the Russian doctor in the XXI century, innovative scientific activity and implementation of its results in practical public health and education, formation of high morals and spirituality of the Russian doctor.

The goal of the concept is modernization and development of the faculty of preventive medicine as innovative modern center on preparation of highly qualified specialists in preventive medicine (profile) based on unity, continuity and innovation of scientific and educational processes.

The concept was developed by the Vice-Rector on medical preventive direction, the Dean of the faculty of preventive medicine Alexander V. Meltser.

Look at the concept here.