Meeting of the commission on employment assistance for graduates 2013

State budget institution of higher education NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov invited 6th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, interns and residents as well as representatives of employers to participate in the meeting of the commission on employment assistance for graduates 2013.

Meeting took place in St. Petersburg, Piskarevskiy pr., 47, pavilion № 9, Assembly Hall on May 14, 2013 at 9.30.

Graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine met the representatives of the Chairs and employers, lawyers, the Head of the Department of clinical residency and internship. Graduates managed to receive information on the acts regulating postgraduate medical education, scientific prospects at the stage of postgraduate preparation, admission regulations, cost of training and forms of payment on different types of postgraduate education.

Career Fair for graduates of residency and internship was held on May 14, 2013 at 11.30 in pavilion № 40 (Lecture Hall).

Representatives of public and commercial medical preventive institutions gave graduates the information on employment opportunities, career prospects, labour conditions, measures of social support of young specialists.