New operating suite on the basis of Ophthalmologic clinic

We are glad to tell to you that new operating suite equipped with the most modern equipment - Constellation Vision System Alcon, was opened on the basis of Ophthalmologic clinic. It is a successful innovative development for high-quality vitreoretinal operations and ultrasonic phacoemulsification with application of operational microscope OPMI Lumera 700 CARL ZEISS Meditec.

This is a hi-tech area of eye microsurgery, except the special equipment, great skills are needed for a surgeon. Vitreoretinal operations at patients with diseases of retina and vitreous body are carried out by the doctor having long-term experience in microsurgeries – Khakimov Anton Mikhaylovich.

Types of the vitreoretinal interventions carried out today in the clinic:

  • episcleral circular or local filling combined with a vitrectomy;
  • vitrectomy, in combination with lensektomy, IOL (intraocular lens) implantation, peeling of internal boundary membrane, vitrectomy with synechiae removal, endotamponadе of vitreal cavity with fluoroorganic compounds or silicone oil and also endolasercoagulation of retina;
  • removal of foreign body from back segment of an eye;
  • intravitreal administration of drugs.

Now the ophthalmologic clinic renders assistance to the patients in the most difficult clinical situations when treatment is aimed on prevention of total or considerable loss of vision. The range of pathology of vitreous body and retina at which patients can receive the hi-tech surgical treatment corresponding with the international standards, is wide:

  • pathology of macular area;
  • hemophthalmia of various etiology;
  • proliferative diabetic retinopathy;
  • retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy;
  • reconstructive and rehabilitation treatment of an eye after traumas.

Patients with pathology in macular area, such as a macular rupture of retina, fibrosis of internal limiting and posterior hyaloid membranes, diabetic and post-thrombotic macular edema, can already receive treatment at early stages of disease when it is important to keep high acuity vision.

Further it is planned to equip operating suite with the equipment which will allow carrying out direct video translation from an operational microscope in the lecture hall. Innovations will advance academic knowledge of clinical residents, interns and doctors listeners, improve the service for patients and delivery of medical care.