Exhibition devoted to the 115th anniversary since the birth of Mikhail Isaakovich Kuslik

The exhibition devoted to the 115th anniversary of professor Mikhail Isaakovich Kuslik, the well-known scientist, follower of professor R.R.Vreden, the honored worker of science of RSFSR was opened on May 15, 2013 in the historical exposition of Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies at the museum of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov. In 1937 M.I. Kuslik founded and till 1965 headed the Chair of orthopedics of Leningrad State Institute of improvement of doctors skills. During the Second World War he was the chief orthopedist of the Leningrad front.

Scientific works, private papers, photos and things of professor M.I. Kuslik are presented at the exhibition.

We invite all interested the activity and biography of Mikhail Isaakovich Kuslik.

Address of the exposition: Kirochnaya ul., 41. 

The exhibition is open May 15 - June 25, working days 10-17.

To order the excursions by phones: 579-58-68, 8-906-247-61-27.