"Week of science – 2013"

The second traditional annual "Week of science" took place at NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov in April, 2013. Five conferences including two international ones were held in the frame of "Week of science – 2013".

More than 2500 persons from the faculty, graduate students, young scientists, doctors and students of the University took part in the research and practice events.

Researchers and students from more than 30 cities of Russia and near-abroad countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, the Ukraine, Tajikistan) participated in the work of conferences. Professor Lourents D. Petts from Los Angeles (USA), one of the founders of stem cell transplantation presented the report at the international scientific and practical conference "Regenerative Medicine and cell technologies. Stem cell transplantation in oncohematology. Biotechnologies and bacteriophages in modern medicine.

Conference «Mechnikov Readings — 2013»

Annual Conference of Students' Scientific Circle with the international participation "Mechnikov readings" for medical students.

The presidium of the Conference was presented by professor Mazurov V.I., the Vice-Rector for clinical work of NWSMU named after I.I.Mechnikov, the member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor Lila A.M., D.Sc.,  the Vice-Rector on study of NWSMU named after I.I.Mechnikov, Silin A.V., D.Sc., the Vice-Rector for science and international cooperation of NWSMU named after I.I.Mechnikov, and Kostyukevich S.V., D.Sc., the research supervisor of Students’ Scientific Circle of NWSMU named after I.I.Mechnikov.

After the plenary meeting the Conference was continued in 40 sections with 385 reports.

Conference “Regenerative Medicine and cell technologies. Stem cell transplantation in oncohematology.

Biotechnologies and bacteriophages in modern medicine”

The advanced scientific achievements in the field of cell technologies and biotechnologies were presented at the Conference.

The key report of modern approaches to the therapy of stem cells from cord blood in regenerative medicine was made by professor Smolyaninov A.B., D.Sc. the Head of research laboratory of cell technologies, then professor L. Petts (USA) one of the top specialist in the world in this field shared experience of the use of stem cells from cord blood.

For about 200 specialists took part in the Conference and 22 reports were presented. Work of the Conference was beamed live for wide audience of specialists.

Regional scientific and practical conference of students, young scientists and experts of the North-West of Russia "Topical issues of the theory and practice of forensic medicine"

Regional scientific and practical conference of students, young scientists and experts of the North-West of Russia "Topical issues of theory and practice of forensic medicine" was held at the Chair of forensic medicine of the University. The cofounders of the Conference were St.Petersburg scientific society of forensic scientist and Forensic Medicine Association of the North-West of Russia.

Professor E.S. Mishin, D.Sc., the Head of the Chair of forensic medicine of the University opened the Conference.

This year "Topical issues of theory and practice of forensic medicine" exceeded all previous conferences in number of participants and reports, so far as 29 reports of 27 students and 15 young specialists (forensic scientists, residents, interns and graduate students) were presented.

More than 180 persons took part in the Conference work. 

Great and important work carried out by the staff of the Chair in order to form the interest of forensic medicine and training of young researches for medico-legal service, was marked by the letter of gratitude of professor Popov V.L., the Chairman of Forensic Medicine Association of the North-West of Russia, the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, the deserved doctor of Russia.

Scientific and practical Conference of young scientists and specialists "Translational medicine: from theory to practice"

The translational medicine is a new stage in the medicine development, providing transfer of the results of the scientific-research activity from fundamental researches to the sphere of practical application. 

The target of the Conference was the exchange of experience of young researches in various fields of modern medicine. Work of young scientists and specialists aimed on implementation of the results of intellectual activity in practical healthcare.

Seventeen oral reports and seven reports with posters were presented at the conference. The most progressive and innovative works presented at the Conference, were selected on competition "U.M.N.I.K." ("Participant of youth scientific and innovation competition ") aimed on grant support of young people engaged in scientific activity.

The subject of the presented reports was discussed actively during the work of the Conference. It should be noted the work of members of the Conference presidium, their constructive recommendations and advice for young scientist. Comments and questions of presidium allowed authors of scientific works to receive independent expert opinion on their scientific project.

More than 150 students, young scientists and specialists of NWSMU named after I.I.Mechnikov and other higher education institutions of St. Petersburg took part in the Conference. Following the results of the Conference it was published the collected book.

All-Russian student's conference with the international participation, devoted to the 90th anniversary of psychoneurological circle of the North Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Plenary meeting of the Conference took place under the chairmanship of V.I. Mazurov, the Vice-Rector for clinical work, the member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, A.V. Silin, D.Sc., the Vice-Rector for science and international cooperation, director of St. Petersburg Research Psychoneurological Institute named after V.M. Bekhterev, professor N.G. Neznanov, the Chairman of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists, professor P.V. Morozov, the representative of the World Psychiatric Association in the Eastern Europe, the Chairman of the commission of Board of the Russian Society of psychiatrists on work with young scientists and specialists (University named after N.I. Pirogov).