International research and practice conference «The Second German-Russian Seminar on Endocrinology and Diabetology»

The international research and practice conference "The Second German-Russian Seminar on Endocrinology and Diabetology" within the framework of the Russian-German cooperation «Forum named after R. Koch – I.I. Mechnikov" was held in Saint-Petersburg on May 16-17, 2013.

The organizers of the conference: the Chair of endocrinology of the North-Western State Medical University of I.I. Mechnikov, the Russian-German organization "Forum named after R. Koch – I.I. Mechnikov" and public organization "Professional Medical Association of endocrinologists of Saint-Petersburg".

For about 200 specialists from Russia and Germany took part in the work of conference.

The target of the conference-seminar was the exchange of experience between Russian and German top specialists in endocrinology, presentation of the advanced scientific achievements in this field and maintaining of relations between the participating countries.

The conference was opened by the acting consul general of Germany in Saint-Petersburg Ferdinand von Vaye who gave importance of these actions to the development of medicine on the whole and establishment of strong partnership between two countries. Professor Vorokhobina Natalia Vladimirovna, D.Sc., the Head of the Chair of endocrinology of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov continued the conference and presented her report devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Chair of endocrinology of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov.

During two days of the conference-seminar 24 reports covering the problems of diabetes, obesity, diseases of suprarenal glands, hypophysis diseases were presented. Participants had an opportunity to make aware of the most modern achievements in endocrinology. It should be noted the high level of the presented reports, not one was overlooked, and then each report was discussed actively.

The meeting between organizers and German guests took place at the close of the seminar. The meeting was held in the businesslike, constructive and friendly atmosphere, where the results of the conference were summarized and it was offered to continue active Russian-German cooperation.

Read more about the conference materials, published in the collected book here.