Volunteer service "Kazan 2013", 27th World Summer University games

We are proud of our students who took part in the volunteer service in the frame of the 27th World Summer University Games in Kazan.

The delegation included:

1. Akulich Anna – 2-year student of the faculty of general medicine;

2. Bagayev Edward Zorikovich - 2-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine;

3. Bauyev Mikael Sagitovich - 4-year student of the faculty of general medicine;

4. Barnova Nellie Olegovna - 2-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine;

5. Dolzhenko Denis Mikhaylovich – 3-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine;

6. Zaychenkova Ekaterina Nikolaevna - 3-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine;

7. Ivanov Vladimir Yuryevich - 4-year student of the faculty of general medicine;

8. Kirsanov Nadezhda Anatolyevna - 3-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine;

9. Kudlakhmedov Shakir Shavkatovich - 2-year student of the faculty of general medicine;

10. Lysenko Svetlana Aleksandrovna - 3-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine;

11. Portnova Natalia Aleksandrovna - 4-year student of the faculty of general medicine;

12. Ryzhkov Vasily Mikhaylovich - 4-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine;

13. Yubrin Nikolay Nikolaevich - 4-year student of the faculty of general medicine;

14. Kachanova Lyudmila Gennadyevna - 2-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine.

Students of NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov not only successfully worked in the medical team with skilled doctors from Kazan, but also "cleaned" language barriers rendering special medical care during the University games.

Student's youth sports competitions remained only positive emotions. According to our students, despite the activity of all participants of volunteer service, volunteers physicians were the most demanded during the event.

NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov was awarded the letter of gratitude for a big contribution to the organization and carrying out the 27th World Summer University games 2013 in Kazan and development of the All-Russian volunteer service "Kazan 2013".

Thanks to all participants!