The IV All-Russian conference with the international participation

"Preventive medicine - 2013"

On November 27, 2013 at North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov will take place the IV All-Russian conference with the international participation "Preventive medicine - 2013".

Young scientists and students as well as experts of a medico-preventive profile are invited to participate in the conference.

The conference will be hold in the following directions of preventive medicine:

  • "Training of staff of medico-preventive profile"
  • "Innovative technologies in preventive medicine"
  • "Modern problems in prevention of children's incidence"
  • "Problems of food and the preventive personified medicine in 21 century"
  • "Epidemiological and microbiological aspects of new and coming-back infections"
  • "Prevention of reproductive system diseases during at different ages" "Preservation of family reproductive reserve"
  • "Formation of healthy lifestyle and prevention of cardiovascular diseases"
  • "Public health and health care organization"
  • "Factors of environment and human health"
  • "Occupational hygiene and occupational diseases"
  • "Communal hygiene"
  • "Radiation hygiene"
  • "Consumer rights protection "
  • "Prevention of diseases in dentistry"

Following the results of the conference work the work’s digest will be published. To authors of works certificates of the participant of conference are issued. Working language of conference is Russian.

Terms of registration and giving of materials - till October 14, 2013.

Registration of participants of the conference and reception of materials for publication is open on the official site

Articles are accepted on the conference site in the appropriate section of the registration form, and also in hard copy, signed by the research supervisor, at the address: 195067, St. Petersburg, Piskarevskiy pr. 47, 9, SSC Council.

The check/receipt copy with payment of printing expenses are directed with hard copy of the article.

Requirements to the article registration:

Articles for publishing of the conference materials up to 2 pages of the printing text, A4 format, have to be presented in the form of the file in the Microsoft Word format. Times New Roman font, size 12, unary line spacing, fields space - 2 cm from all directions.

1 paragraph – Article’s title with CAPITAL LETTERS, BOLD TYPE;

2 paragraph – Surname of the author, course and faculty (for the student), year of training (for a the clinical intern or the resident), an academic status of coauthors (Examples of reductions: 5th course, GM; 3-year clin. int.; 2-year res.; PhD; DSci; ass. prof ; prof.);

3 paragraph – the full name of the institution in which the author studies or works, the city, the country (if not Russia);

4 paragraph – The project coordinator (for students, clin. interns and residents): scientific degree and title, full name.

5 paragraph – empty line;

6 and the following paragraphs – article text, without hyphenation (and with only one gap between words). The article should state: relevance, purpose, material and methods, the acheived results and their discussion, conclusions, the used literature.

At the end:

1. Section, the full name of the leading author, e-mail address and also the detailed address where the dogest copy will be sent.

2. The signature of the research supervisor of the following contents - "I ask to publish my research work". The signature is certified by the press. The organizing committee reserves the right not to publish the works which not meet the requirements or sent after October 14, 2013. The sent materials won't be returned.

Model of registration:


Vorontsov M.V., PhD; Arestova L.E., 532 gr. FGM

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov,


Project coordinator: Prof., DSci Tatarova N. A.

Due to the changed social and economic situation in Russia …

Section: Hygiene of Food and dietology, Vorontsov Mikhail Vasilyevich


Address: 195265, Saint-Petersburg, Bryantsev ul., 14, app. 62.

Payment of publishing expenses: cost of publication of each article in the digest - 700 rub. The receipt of fee payment for the publication will need to be received on the official site of the conference after the materials submission.

The organizing committee settles participants in Saint-Petersburg hotels at the expense of the conference participants.

Information about accommodation - Tyagunov Dmitry Sergeyevich, ph. 8 (911) 771-62-44, e-mail:

Information about registration and materials submission - Anisimov Victor Nikolaevich, ph. 8 (911) 099-28-27, e-mail:

Secretary of the conference: PhD, associate professor Devyatkina Asya Armenakovna,

ph. 8 (911) 984-16-60, e-mail: