We inform you that in October 17, 2013 at 3 зюью in the Assembly hall of NWSMU
named after I.I. Mechnikov to the address:
Kirochnaya ul., 41
will be held the meeting of the Association of endocrinologists of Saint-Petersburg,
devoted to the opening of the Center of Adrenal Glands Pathology

NWSMU n. a. I.I. Mechnikov



Otari G. Khurtsilava - Rector of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov

Аlexey V. Silin - Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation

Yuriy Shavkatovich - DSci, Prof., Chief endocrinologist of the Healthcare Committee of Saint-Petersburg.

Sergey B. Shustov – DSci, Prof., Head of the Scientific Research Institute of clinical endocrinology, Scientific Research Institute of endocrinology, NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov.

Albert M. Zaytchik – DSci, Prof., Director of the Scientific Research Institute of endocrinology, NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov.

Natalia V. Vorokhobina – DSci, Prof., Head of the Chair of endocrinology, NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov.

Welcome speeches of Prof. O.G. Khurtsilava, Rector of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, A.V. Silin Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov.

1. 15.00 - 15.10: welcome speech of Prof. S.B. Shustov, Head of the Center of Adrenal glands Pathology, Chairman of the Association of endocrinologists of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region (10 min.).

2. 15.10 - 15.55: Franco Mantero "Management of adrenal incidentaloma", Professor of the University of Padua, Italy with the report "Tactics of maintaining patients with incidentaloma of adrenal glands" (30 min.).

3. 16.00 – 16.15: A.A. Lisitsyn (PhD, the associate professor of faculty surgery n.a. I.I. Grekov, NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov) "Modern technologies in surgical treatment of tumors of adrenal glands" (15 min.).

4. 16.20 – 17.05: Norman Taylor "Clinical application of urinary steroid profiling in diagnostic of adrenal pathology". Norman Taylor (laboratory of steroids, Royal hospital, London) "Steroid profiles of urine in diagnostics of adrenal glands diseases" (30 min.)

5. 17.10 - 17.20: Z.R. Shafigullina Head of the department of endocrinology, clinic n.a. E.E. Eykhvald, NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov) "Possibilities of University in diagnostics and treatment of adrenal glands diseases" (10 min.).

17.20 – 18.00 Coffee break

Organizers of the Conference:

Scientific Research Institute of endocrinology of clinic n.a. E.E. Eykchvald,

Chair of endocrinology, NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov.

Contact person: Zulfiya R. Shafigullina 8-921-973-09-80