"Preventive medicine-2013": continuity and impulse for new researches

The III All-Russian Conference with the international participation "Preventive medicine – 2013" started on November 27 in North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. This is an important event in the life of our institution which trains experts in preventive medicine at least for 83 years. Traditions of the leader of Russian education in preventive medicine not only honorably proceed today, but also developing in respect to the requirements of today. And as they are based on a scientific and educational basis, special relevance is gained by such actions which are interesting to all: to scientists, practitioners and scientific youth.

Opening plenary session of the Conference, A.V. Silin, Vice-Rector for science and international cooperation of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov emphasized its importance and high rating and thanks to such format which assumes participation in plenary and section meetings of teachers, PhD students, students of medical institutions who expressed their attitude to the Conference in 167 prepared reports, each of them extends the picture of status of preventive medicine in the country and works for development of this area.

Alexey Viktorovich wished both speakers and listeners scientific and esthetic pleasure from participation in the forum. And such wish sensitized guests on successful exchange of experience and efficient holding of this event.

The Vice-Rector of medical preventive direction A.V. Melzer noted that from year to year Conference grows up. This year it got the support of Rospotrebnadzor. In addition representatives of practical health care and students of other higher education institutions arrived to the Conference.

According to Alexander Vitaliyevich number of participants and quality of scientific reports rise. Just few years ago it was an issue of only graduate works, but today voices of experts of postgraduate education sound decisively. "We are really very glad that the youth of the country study preventive medicine consciously and they are already ready to researches in this area on old grades of higher education institutions and they don't leave it at the postgraduate period.

According to Melzer particularity of the third Conference is in an integrated approach to the organization of section meetings and development of disciplines of preventive medicine. The Vice-Rector convincingly proved such an approach in his report "Modern challenges and threats to sanitary and epidemiologic welfare of population".

The Head of the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases of the University, E.I.Tkachenko, continued the subject and reported about multidimensional biology as a basis of predictive preventive personified medicine of 21 century.

Young generation also pleased. The Chairman of the Board of SSC, the 5th-year student of the faculty of preventive medicine of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, Victor Anisimov, told the audience about University Students' Scientific Circle. In spring SSC celebrated a remarkable date – 90 years since the birth of student's science in the higher education institution.

Annually the University Board of SSC holds 2 conferences: annual Mechnikov Readings and the Conference «Preventive Medicine» which was started in 2010. Competition on the best Student's Scientific group and the best Student's Scientific work also became annual. In 2013 the team of North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov participated in the I-st All-Russian Competition on the best youth scientific organization of medical and pharmaceutical higher education institution where took an honourable 3rd place.

So stake on activity of student's youth who should continue and develop domestic school of preventive medicine justifies expectations. At plenary session Anisimov’s colleague from Samara as well as the guest from Tver thanked University SSC for cooperation and opportunity to meet eminent scientists at the Conference in St. Petersburg.

Soon it is necessary to sum up the results of the III All-Russian conference with the international participation "Preventive medicine – 2013", to estimate work of each 13 sections and to analyse bright reports. Though even the first impressions say unambiguously/exactly that the event was successful, became truly significant both for University and all interested participants.

Ahead it will be judgment of reports, discussions, entry into new subjects of scientific researches and discoveries which will allow to see problems of preventive medicine in practical implementation of scientific research results for the worthy answer on "modern challenges and threats to sanitary and epidemiologic welfare of population".