Results of the All-Russian meeting: future of training of doctors in the specialty
"Preventive medicine"

the professional community is ready to take in hand

The meeting about improvement of doctors training in "Preventive medicine" took place at North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov on December 6. Deans of medico-preventive faculties from 13 Russian medical schools, the representative of Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, Departments of Rospotrebnadzor and the Centers of hygiene and epidemiology of subjects of the Russian Federation arrived to Petersburg to participate in it. The purpose is to discuss a range of issues concerning the training of doctors in preventive medicine, to take decisions which have to affect quality of training of specialists, define ways of further development of preventive medicine in the country.

O.G. Khurtsilava, DSci, the Rector of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov opened the Meeting. He welcomed participants of the meeting, presented University work in this direction and told about the prospects of development connected with the staff training. Otari G. Khurtsilava emphasized that faculty of preventive medicine possesses a signature role in development of the University. Educational and scientific activity successfully develops and the University is presented in the Educational and Methodical Council of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation in "preventive medicine". The Rector of NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov is its chairman.

As a result of such cooperation the draft of the professional standard for experts of preventive medicine is developed at North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. It represents a body of necessary knowledge and skills, abilities of hygienists, epidemiologists, bacteriologists.

Otari G. Khurtsilava reminded that training of specialists in preventive medicine is carried out by 29 chairs, 400 teachers at NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov and 1400 students from 30 subjects of the Russian Federation study here. "Educational activity is our main direction, - the Rector emphasized, - and today we already received documents to design a pavilion, where educational scientific and clinical activity will be realized". Creation of the knowledge testing center, phased repair and modernization of the present pavilions, building of new objects, implementation of big plans which found support and approval of public health care authorities.

The Vice-Rector for medico-preventive direction A.V.Melzer performed his report: "Interaction of educational and professional standards at training of specialists in preventive medicine". He emphasized that criteria and grades should be unified. – It is necessary to develop standard plans, programs and disciplines and their statement through Educational and Methodical Council".

Yuriy V. Nesvizhsky, the Dean of the faculty of preventive medicine of the First Medical State University n.a. I.M.Sechenov,  V.L.Stasenko, the Dean of the faculty of preventive medicine of Omsk State Medical Academy, I.V.Feldblyum, Pfrom the Perm State Medical Academy n.a. EA.Wagner, I.A.Rakitin and S.A.Gorbanev, representatives of various Departments of Rospotrebnadzor and not only from St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, and L.L.Shitova, the Deputy Chief of the State health officer from Vologda region, professor S.I.Savelyev, the Chief physician of "The Hygiene and Epidemiology Center in the Lipetsk Region", the Head of the department of hygiene, epidemiology with bases of laboratory business of our University participated in the meeting. There were also I.G.Mustafin, the Dean of the faculty of preventive medicine of State Medical University (Kazan), T.V.Zdolnik, the Dean of medico-preventive faculty of State Medical University n.a. I.P.Pavlov (Ryazan), N.V.Vasilyeva, the Head of the department of medical microbiology of NWSMU, A.S.Obukhovskaya, the Head of the St.Petersburg lyceum No. 179, G.L.Zakharchenko, the Chief of the department of Rospotrebnadzor in Oryol region.

The majority of reports were bright and constructive, demanding future discussion and real steps for their realization. But the most important that everybody was interested in it. There are some problems of continuous education in preventive medicine and it is possible to solve them only using all capacity of professional community for development of decisions at the state and departmental level.

Study the resolution of the Meeting about improvement of doctors training in "Preventive medicine" here.