Department of clinical residency and internship

Head of the department of clinical residency and internship Slovitcky Vatcslav Aleksandrovich


Activity directions:

In the internship and residency of the University could be admitted citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and the stateless persons having the higher medical or pharmaceutical education, in the order established by the current legislation.

Admission to the internship and residency is carried out:

  • for the places financed by means from the federal budget according to target figures approved by the Ministry of public Health and Social Affairs of the Russian Federation (within a free contest and target admission);
  • for the places financed by means of the federal budget according to the approved target figures of admission (in the line of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation);
  • according to the enrolment contracts with physical and (or) legal entities providing payment of the cost of training.

WORKING HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 14:00 till 17:00, Wednesday – non-visiting day, Saturday and Sunday – off work
ADDRESS: 195067, St. Petersburg, Piskarevsky Pr., 47, pavilion 2/4
TEL.: (812) 543-00-34

Admission to the internship and residency is carried out by the order of the Rector of the University. Admission of the persons entering the residency and internship of the University on the places, financed by means of the federal budget within a free contest, it is organized on the basis of the solution of the Admission Committee.

Admission of the persons entering the internship and residency of the University on places, financed by means of the federal budget within the target admission, is made in the line of the appropriate health care authority.

Admission of foreign citizens and the stateless persons entering the internship and residency of the University on places, financed by means of the federal budget, is made in the line and in order and in the terms established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Doctors who entered the internship and residency on places, financed by means of the federal budget, the studentship is paid in the volume of pointed financing (scholarship fund).

Admission of persons, on the contractual basis with the training payment, is made after submission of necessary documents, training payment and contract execution of paid rendering services about the training in the internship (residency) between the Student and the University. It is possible to conclude the 3-party Contract between the Student, the University and the Customer. If the Customer is a legal entity, it is necessary to submit in addition a letter of guaranty on payment with the full requisites, signed by the Head and the chief accountant of the organization.

Admission to the internship and clinical residency on the paid form of education is carried out within a year, and training is leaded according to the individual plan.

Training term in the internship is 1 year, in the clinical residency is from 2 to 5 years.

Students who successfully finished the training and have passed a qualification examination, it is issued documents of the established sample:

  • the certificate to the diploma about basic higher medical education and the specialist certificate of the established sample, granting the right to the independent work as a physician on the territory of the Russian Federation. (for citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • the certificate on specialized preparation in medicine (for foreign citizens).

Foreign students can stay in the comfortable hostel located at the address: St. Petersburg, Prosveshchenya Pr., 45 (tel. 598-94-31).

Contacts and working hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - 14:00 - 17:00

Thursday - there is no reception

Saturday, Sunday - weekend

Tel.: +7 (812) 543-00-34