On the basis of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov the forum of medical students and four roundtable discussions have taken place. Medical students of leading medical high schools of Russia have participated in the forum work. Round tables worked in the following directions:  

1. «Perfection of educational process»

Moderator: D.S. Prokopyev - the vice-president of the primary trade-union organisation of students of Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy. Co-moderator: O. A. Derichenkо - the Head of the student council of Volgograd SMU. Expert: A.A.Svistunov - the vice-rector of study of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M.Setchenov.


2. «Practice and employment»

Moderator: Tishakova V.E. - the Head of the student self-administration council of the First MSMU named after I.M.Setchenov.

Co-moderator: M. S. Kasatkin - the Head of the student council RNIMU named after N.I.Pirogov.

Experts: V. I. Mazurov - the vice-rector on medical work of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov and S.V. Nedogodа - the vice-rector on medical work of Volgograd State Medical University.


3. «Science and innovations»

Moderator: I.M.Kochegarov - the Head of Student Scientific Research Society of Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P.Pavlov.

Co-moderator: K.M.Mihajlov - the Head of the council of State Medical University.

Experts: M.M.Batjushin - the vice-rector on scientific work of the Rostov State Medical University and P. F. Litvitsky - the vice-rector for International Affaires of the First Moscow state medical university named after I.M.Setchenov.


4. «Social support, sport, culture and morals»


Moderator: V.J.Nikolaev - the Head of the trade union of students, interns and residents (Medical Practitioners).

Co-moderator: V.S.Lojko - the Head of the council of youth self-administration of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.Razumovsky.

Experts: A.I.Grekova - the Head of the department for education and social work of SGMA and E.V.Kharlamov - the Head of the department of physical education, therapeutic physical training and sports medicine.


As a result of the forum the following recommendations have been worked out:


1. To consider reasonable carrying out of the All-Russia forums of medical students annually on the basis of medical and pharmaceutical high schools of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs of the Russian Federation.

2. To create a Council of students learning in the medical and pharmaceutical high schools of Russia at the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs of the Russian Federation.

3. To provide a representation of the student self-administration organs in the structures of Academic councils of medical and pharmaceutical high schools.

4. To provide wide use of modern educational technologies in the teaching process with the use of interactive methods of training, e-medicine centers, phantom classes, etc. To work out a conception of the unique informational educational space of medical high schools.

5. To work out the unique marks-rating system to check student’s knowledge, considering their practical skills, academic achievement, scientific and public work and also to create the independent testing centers. To prepare the local statutory acts regulating rules of phase-out by students their academic failures.

6. To extend the educational program on the last academic year for the purpose of getting profound knowledge by students according to their further specialisation.

7. To discuss with Education and Methodology Association of medical and pharmaceutical education the following questions:

- possibility to introduce into the basic educational program: changes in studying of foreign languages, possibility to introduce the medical practice as an assistant of the emergency doctor;

- development of the system of medical groups as practice for students after the third academic year;

- resumption of work of medical maintenance groups.

8. To develop statutory and regulatory maintenance of academic mobility between institutions.

9. To provide the normative legal base of passing medical practice on the bases of the organizations of public health, also in the countryside.

10. To enhance responsibility of local government body health services of Russia on employment of the experts, having medical training within the limits of target programs. To raise appeal of work for medical personnel in a primary care by increasing of financial support and possibility of professional development within the limits of the program «Zemsky doctor».

11. To help the graduating medical students create databases of vacancies in a web-space under the control of the organs of public health of Russian entities.

12. Actively popularize a student's involvement in scientific studies by means of holding conferences, training seminars, etc. To provide a post of the expert in integration of innovative projects in medical high school.

13. To improve financial support of high medical schools for carrying out of extra-curricular activities.

14. To develop the target program « Students’ health ». To offer a system of measures about supporting families of students and improvement of housing conditions of students and also to define clearly their practical realization. To consider how to create "Student's health centers» and to improve conditions for sports.

15. To recommend to the commission on studies and physical training of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs of the Russian Federation to reconsider the list of recommended sports in the Sport Festival between universities taking into account features of federal districts.

16. During the All-Russia forums of medical students to envisage an extension of the round table themes.