On April, 21 in St. Petersburg at the conference hall of the "Novotel" hotel was held the first conference of urologists of the North-West Federal District of Russia. Organizers of the conference were Department of Urology and Andrology of Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy for Postgraduate Studies. The conference was attended by the Chief urologist of St. Petersburg, head of the Department of Urology of Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I. I. Mechnikov, Professor, MD,  Komyakov B.K., Head of Department of Urology and Andrology SPbMAPS Professor,  MD, Alexander Novikov, Professor, MD, Petrov S.B., Professor, MD, Michailichenko V.V., Professor, MD, Gorelov A.I, Professor, MD  Shpilenya E.S., Professor, MD , Korneev I.A, Associate Professor, Nazarov T.N and all Heads of Urology Departments in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, as well as all major heads of urological departments of medical institutions of the Northwest Federal District of Russia.

The theme of the conference was the organization of urological services in Northwest Russia. The agenda consisted of four reports. All participants were greeted by Professor Komyakov B.K. Then, Prof. Novikov took up the initiative and made a report "An interdisciplinary approach to the problem of male health in the Northwest region of Russia." Professor Igor Korneev made a report devoted to the "Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction." Participants of the conference heard reports on the work of major professional urology services of North-West region. At the end of the conference were discussed the current problems of organization of urological care in the North-West region and, in particular the training of young specialists in this field. It was made special mention to the Department of Urology and Andrology of SPb MAPS, which continues to hold leading position in the country among postgraduate training institutions of medical specialists. At the department conducted a thematic education of physicians in urology and training in clinical internship in urology, preparing for qualifying examination to confirm the certification specialist - an urologist, the preparation of the teaching staff in graduate school.
After scientific program for the participants and guests of the conference was organized unofficial dinner.