Committee on Public Health of the Government of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg MIATS, Group of Companies "The Center for spatial research" and Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy for Postgraduate Studies (MAPS) invite you to participate in the 1 st All-Russian Conference "GIS in the health of the Russian Federation: data analytics, decision "(GIS Health Russia: Data, Analysis, Products), which will be held on May 26-27, 2011 in St. Petersburg.

Representatives of health care clearing houses (MIATS) of all subjects of the Russian Federation, employees of the Department (Committee) on the region's health (entities of the Russian Federation, major cities), administration of regional Russian Federal service on customers' rights protection and human well-being surveillance, health care providers are invited to participate in the conference. The participants specialize in medical statistics, epidemiology, ecology socio-hygienic monitoring, representatives of research institutes and universities, pharmacy networks, networks of private clinics, networks scope of medical services (laboratory diagnosis, etc.), pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment manufacturers, marketing agencies and consulting companies, as well as investors looking to expand their own business in the health sector.

The conference will examine the role and place of geographic information systems (GIS) and infrastructural approaches to the collection of spatial data in public health and private medical companies, development of spatial methods and GIS to address health problems in analyzing and forecasting the spread of disease, identify causal relationships , improving the availability of health facilities, optimize resources, health regions, the effective work of reference services, ambulance and other health services.

Main topics:
For the public sector:
1.Identification and composition of geographic information systems, data models in GIS geodata for health problems, the Western experience of GIS in public health, and methods of use georeport in healthcare management in the region, GIS software, GIS for creating geoportals health of the subject on the Internet / Intranet networks;
2.Medical geography: the problem of analyzing the distribution of disease and other health and demographic indicators and to identify causal relationships, GIS in epidemiological problems and examples of research in the Russian practice;
3. Creation of GIS as part of an information system for regional MIATS; WebGIS (Web-based geographic information services), examples of architecture of GIS health for different groups of users how to deploy a regional GIS Health, its legal support.

For the commercial sector:
1. Operational and strategic objectives geomarketing: building and planning of distribution networks, increasing the volume of sales (region selection, etc.);
2. Analytical methods geomarketing analysis, particularly geomarketing health analysis (macro / micro level); examples justify the construction of a network of pharmacies; formats, the demand in space, advertising campaigns (direct marketing in trade zones), examples of formulation of the problem for network planning clinics; demand factors, given the competition; geomarketing visualization of medical indicators for the expansion of the pharmaceutical manufacturer in the Russian regions.

At the conference will make a report Mr. Krasilnikov I.A, MD, Head of the Department of Informatics and control in medical systems of MAPS; Musiychuk Y., MD, professor of toxicology and medical protection of the Military Medical Academy (Saint-Petersburg), Boev B.V, Ph.D. , head of the laboratory of epidemiological cybernetics NIIEM n.a. N.F. Gamalei RAMS (Moscow); Dexter A.P, Deputy Director of St. Petersburg MIATS (Saint-Petersburg), Strukov D.R, Head of Information and Consulting Group "The Center for spatial research" (Saint-Petersburg) and other experts in the field of geographic information technologies, representatives of the ESRI company leader in software for spatial analysis, web-based GIS applications, as well as representatives of Microsoft-leading integrated IT solutions for analytics and process management within large companies and organizations.
Organizing Committee: St. Petersburg MIATS, Group of Companies "The Center for spatial research", SPB MAPS.
Sponsors and Partners:
ESRI CIS, Microsoft

Information sponsors:
CNews, ArcReview, Physician and Information Technology, Health Manager, etc.

The conference room of the "Academy" Hotel (MAPS), St. Petersburg, Zanevsky Prospect, 1 / 82 (metro station Novocherkasskaya)

Cultural Program:
The first day (May 26), all registered participants will be invited to the ship, cruising the rivers and channels of St. Petersburg during the White Nights. Transfer, a boat trip and buffet - free
of charge.

Conditions for participation if registered under 3/31/2011:
For government agencies (MIATS, health departments, TC of Federal service on customers' rights protection and human well-being surveillance, Research institutes, universities and other public institutions): 1 participant — free of charge. For commercial entities (pharmacies, clinics, laboratories, pharmaceutical manufacturers and others): 1 participant 3500 rubles (including VAT 18%). More detail concerning conditions of participation, the registration procedure, the contents of the business program, and conditions of accommodation at the hotel, map and other information on the official website of the event

Presentations and Theses:
Lectures from the state structures and placement of the theses in the Conference materials - free of charge. The inclusion of participants as speakers is made according filling of a business program. Organizers reserve the right to form business program. Your requests for presentations and theses in Russian and English you may send to organizers by e-mail: Denis.Strukov @ till 15 April 2011. Sent in time abstracts will be included in the portfolio of the participants and posted on the website of the event in a special section. As a result of the conference will be publishing reports in full-color magazine «Arc Review, № 3, 2011", dedicated to GIS in health care. Requirements for theses execution you will find at
Responsible person:
Elena Chuynyshena, PR-manager, phone +7 (812) 4935227,