Overview of our international students’ life in 2024. What did we do together?
Together, in winter 2024 we became first in the competition of Russian medical universities’ international surgical teams. Under the guidance of the Head of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy Prof. Evgeny M. Trunin and Associate Professor Vladislav V. Tatarkin our international students won the first place in Perelman’s International Olympiad.
Together, we participated in numerous international scientific events, involving Mechnikov’s Readings, Personalized Medicine, and we started or continued our scientific initiatives with partner universities.
Together, we have great academic and research achievements and we presented them at Contests of Scientific Student’s research in China. We were awarded two Gold medals at the Student Science Forum in Guangzhou in August 2024. We took part in student academic mobility to countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, China. More than 90 students this year interned abroad.
Together, we conquered first places in sports competitions with our curators-domestic students. We were awarded first, second and third places in all-University Competitions on basketball and badminton. 
Together, we admitted about 500 international students from more than 20 countries to different educational programs, involving General Medicine EMI/RMI, Dentistry, Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine, Nursing, Public Health.
Together, we celebrated a lot of national and international holidays to know culture, history and traditions of Russia and different countries.
Together we are the international academic world, join us!
