Dear Partners!
We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical conference April 19, 2012. "Regenerative therapy and cellular technologies.
Nano - and biotechnologies in modern medicine". Conference will take place in the Hall of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. Beginning at 09.00. Free entrance.

- Program of international conference April 19, 2012 NWSMU n.a. Mechnikov

- Test of the Rhesus factor of fetus’s blood with mother’s blood

-  Sexual determination of fetus with mother’s blood

O. G. Hurtsilava, Doctor of Medical Science, Rector of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov will open International Scientific and Practical conference, 19th April, 2012. O. G. Hurtsilava is one of the leading Russian specialists in  solving problems in the field of cellular technologies and regenerative medicine. Today two Public Stem Cell Donor Registry work under his patronage in Russian cities: Saint-Petersburg and Samara. Both Registries have worldwide acceptance and work in cooperation with Western Europe, the USA and Australia.

The report on modern economy of cellular technologies and regenerative medicine, about personalisation of medical diagnostics and therapy will be presented by A.U.Zurabov, Ph.D. in Economics. In  the last 5 years he created three innovative enterprises in Russia and brought it to the world market. Nowadays A.U.Zurabov is the recognized leader among world economists in the field of innovative biotechnologies and regenerative stem cells medicine.

During the conference you can get the manual for doctors "Cellular technologies and regenerative stem cells therapy" (The review of international and national activity in the field of stem cell banking and application). In the manual both economic and clinical aspects of development of cellular technologies and regenerative medicine are presented.

Reports of foreign scientists will be translated from English into Russian and vice versa. You can ask experts from Australia, Israel, the United States and the Republic of Korea any question of interest.
We are waiting for you 19th April in NWSMU n.a. I.I. Mechnikov.

Smolyaninov A.B., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of Scientific Research Laboratory of cellular technologies of NWSMU n.a. I.I.Mechnikova, General Director of Pokrovsk stem cell bank.

(mob. tel. +7-964-376-05-06)