XXVI (89) session of General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences "Neurosciences for modern medicine:
neurophysiology, neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry"

Date: On June 14-15, 2012
Place of session: St. Petersburg, Congress center of the hotel «Park Inn Pribaltijskaya»,
ul. Korablestroiteley, 14.
Organizer: Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS).

Visiting session of General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences takes place for the first time in St. Petersburg and is devoted to one of the key scientific and practical problems of medicine – to the neurosciences: neurophysiology, neurosurgery, neurobiology, neurology, psychiatry.

The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, the corresponding member of RAMS, Doctor of Medicine and professor Veronica I. Skovortsova will participate in the session RAMS and also members and corresponding members of RAMS – the representatives of the administration of the research centers and institutions of RAMS as well as educational, clinical and other medical preventive institutions of the Russian Federation. Ivan I. Dedov, President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences will open the session of General Assembly.

Neurosciences are one of the modern medicine sections which develop intensively and dynamically. Development of neurobiology is initiated by the world community, take into consideration the need of profound brain research using all range of fundamental science to fight against the large number of heavy, disabling, quite often serious diseases of nervous system. Therefore physical and mental disability with diseases of nervous system and mental diseases takes leading place among all reasons of resistant disability in modern society, development of early diagnostics, new methods of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation has not only medical, but also the extreme social importance.

At present the problems caused by cerebrovascular pathology got epidemic scale. Annually in the world, according to the official statistical data, 6 million people suffer from cerebral stroke, in Russia this number is approximately 450 thousand people per year. Every 1,5 minute Russian suffers from acute cerebrovascular accident. Cerebral stroke takes the second place among causes of death of population in Russia. According to the data of All-Russian center of preventive medicine, in our country 25 % of men and 39 % of women die from cerebrovascular diseases. It must be emphasized the catastrophic consequences of the ischemic stroke – by 84–87 % of patients die or become disabled people and just 10–13 % of patients recover completely. But even among the survived patients 50 % of them have another stroke within 5 years. Ischemic stroke among all cerebral strokes is 80 %.

Such serious indicators were the reason of creation of the vascular centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in other regions of the Russian Federation. Besides the organization of special medical aid in the acute period of cerebro-vascular accident, another actual problem is neoplasm and traumas of the central and peripheral nervous system demanding improvement of rehabilitation programs of these patients.

Another the most important multidisciplinary direction is still the treatment of patients with cognitive deteriorations. Many aspects of the organization of aid for neurologic patients are the priority direction in realization of health policy of the Russian Federation. Holding of session of General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in St. Petersburg will be the base for development and put into practice the most effective innovative methods of diagnostics and treatment of central nervous system diseases on the basis of nanotechnologies and motivation for further development of the fundamental neurosciences which underlie the national medical science.

Abstract of the session programme of General Assembly of RAMS:
The main directions of fundamental neurobiology development will be presented in the reports: G.A. Sofronov, member of RAMS, V. O. Samoilov, corresponding member of RAMS, professor V. M. Klimenko «From I.P. Pavlov to the modern neurosciences», M.M. Odinak corresponding member of RAMS and professor N.G. Neznanov «V.M. Bekhterev - the founder of clinical psychoneurology» as well as in the report of I.I. Dedov, member of RAS and RAMS «Modern neuroendocrinology».

Questions of molecular and cellular neurobiology, pharmacology, neuroprotection, and also neuroimmunological aspects of early stages of henogenesis will be considered in the reports of academicians V.P. Chekhonin, S.B. Seredenin, V.A. Chereshnev. It is planned to pay special attention to the fundamental problems of morphogenesis and regulation of functions of the central nervous system. The genomic bases of nervous system diseases, mechanisms of intracellular regeneration and brain embryonic morphogenesis, information theory of the system organization of mental activity and regulatory memory mechanisms and also functional bases of plasticity of nervous system, the information theory of system organization of mental activity will be highlighted in the reports of members of RAMS of E.K. Ginter, K.V. Sudakov, A.A. Kubatiev, corresponding members of RAS and RAMS V.G. Skrebitsky, K.V. Anokhin and professor S.V. Savelyev.

Modern achievements of clinical neurosciences covering actual problems of neurology, cerebral ischemia, chronic pain, damages of the central nervous system at HIV infection and questions of critical care medicine will be considered in the reports of Z.A. Suslina, member of RAMS, V.I. Skvortsova, corresponding member of RAMS and E.I. Gusev, member of RAMS, M.A. Piradov, corresponding member of RAMS, N.A. Belyakov and N.N. Yakhno, members of RAMS.

Innovative technologies in diagnostics and treatment of diseases and traumas of the central nervous system using neurosurgical methods, including nuclear medicine, is considered in the reports of A.N. Konovalov, A.A. Potapov, L.A. Bokerya, members of RAS and RAMS and V.V. Krylov and A.M. Granov, members of RAMS. New biological markers of mental diseases, henogenesis of neurocognitive development of children and teenagers are considered in the reports of A.S. Tiganov, member of RAMS and coauthors and A.A. Baranov, member of RAS and RAMS.

On session materials General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences will adopt the Resolution defining the perspective directions of development of neurosciences in fundamental and clinical aspects.

We invite specialists in medicine and mass media representatives to participate in the work of XXVI (89) session of General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences «Neurosciences for modern medicine: neurophysiology, neurobiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry».

Contact information for accreditation:
Head of the department of public relations NWSMU named after I.I. Mechnikov
Olga U. Pustarnakova +79052137179,