Prevention and treatment of major dental diseases, anomalies and deformities of tissues and maxillofacial organs

Department Summary Contacts, e-mail Contact person
Department of paediatric dentistry Treatment and prevention of maxillofacial diseases at children Prof. Elena A. Satygo
Department of orthodontics Development of methods to predict the change of transversal and sagittal parameters of dentitions during their leveling and alignment using the passive self-ligation system Prof. Sergey A. Popov
Department of orthopedic dentistry Rehabilitation of patients with burdened dental status and background somatic pathology Ass.Prof. Natalia S. Robakidse
Department of general practice dentistry Development of methods for diagnosis and treatment of complex congenital anomalies and acquired deformities of maxillofacial tissues and organs Prof. Aleksey V. Silin
Department of therapeutic dentistry Treatment and prevention of dental diseases by patients with somatic pathology, including quality of the environment Prof. Boris T. Moroz
Department of maxillofacial surgery and dental surgery n.a. A.A. Limberg Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases, congenital and acquired maxillofacial deformities
Prof. Michail G. Semenov
University Scientific Research Dentistry Center Improvement of dental education through the development of new medical technologies and implementation of scientific achievements in the modern dental practice
Ass.Prof. Elena A. Satygo