Saving women's reproductive health, prevention, and new diagnosis and treatment methods for infants, children and adolescents using innovative technologies and modernization of health care delivery

Department Summary Contacts, e-mail Contact person
Department of obstetrics and gynaecology № 2 Fibrocystic disease of mammary glands: immunologic and psychomatic development concept, individual prognosis and conducting tactic . Integration of endovideosurgery technologies into comprehensive treatment program for oncological patients. Objectivation of laparoscopic iliac and paraortal lymphadenectomy of patients with locally advanced cervical cancer Prof. Igor. V. Berlev
Department of obstetrics and gynaecology № 3 Evaluation of reproductive health of patients with chronic gynaecological and extragenital pathology Prof. Evgenia B. Troik
Department of obstetrics and gynaecology № 1 Clinico-morphological diagnostics of adenomyosis. New possibilities of noninvasive diagnostics of endometriosis and uterine leiomyoma Prof. Eduard V. Komlichenko
Department of obstetrics, gynaecology, perinatology and reproductology Screening and prevention of reproductive system diseases during different lifetime periods of women. Prof. Nina A. Tatarova
Department of child neurology and neurosurgery  Optimization of medical aid in case of neurosurgical pathology, discovered  by fetals and newborns. Diagnostics optimization of brain diseases by  children in multifunctional children’s hospital. Transseptal ventriculoperitoneal shunting in case of hydrocephaly by different groups of children. Prof.Aleksandr S. Iova
Department of children’s ophthalmology  Improvement of diagnostics and treatment methods in cases of visual organ diseases and injuries by children beginning from neonatal period Prof. Elvira I. Saidasheva
Department of children's orthopedics,  traumatology and surgery Examination of catamnesis of children with diseases and developmental defect of digestive tract, urinary,  reproductive,  respiratory systems, that were operated  in traditional way using methods of  minimally invasive surgery Prof. Aleksej G. Baindurashvili
Department of pediatrics a and children’s cardiology Pathomorphism of socially important somatic diseases by children and adolescents. Prof. Irina V. Melnikova
Department of pediatrics and neonatology Examination of pathogenesis and improvement of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation methods for children and adolescents of different social groups with socially important pathology of respiration, digestion, locomotor system organs, cardiovascular system and reproductive health. Prof. Fiodor P. Romanuk
Department of women’s reproductive health Accessory reproductive technologies; hematology of pregnancy; pregnancy miscarriage; reproductive endocrinology; menopause; sexually-transmitted infections; ultrasonic diagnosis used in obstetrics and gynaecology practice; endovideosurgery and minimally invasive technologies in gynaecology practice; current issues in gynaecologic oncology Prof. Margarita M. Safronova