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Full list of contact details of departments and heads of departments of the University.
Invitation is only required for citizens from countries with a visa regime.
Documents required for the invitation to study in the preparatory courses (please note that all translations into Russian should be made to the name and surname indicated in the entry visa):
Documents should be submitted in-person to the University’s Department of Visa Support and Migration Registration (Piskarevskiy pr. 47, building 32, 1st floor, room 13) or e-mailed to
Documents required for conclusion of the education contract:
Upon arrival in the University, foreign citizen has to get migration registration. On the first day of arrival (except weekends) you have to come to the University’s Department of Visa Support and Migration Registration and submit a package of documents:
For the detailed information, please contact the Department of Visa Support and Migration Registration:
Address: 195067, Saint Petersburg, Piskarevskiy pr. 47, building 32, room 12 or 13
Reception hours: Mon-Fri: 1000 - 1600; break: 1300 – 1400
Telephone: 8(812)303-50-81; 8(812)303-50-00 ext. 82-57; 82-61;
Preparatory Department:
Address: 195067, Saint Petersburg, Piskarevskiy pr. 47, building 32 (2nd floor)
Reception hours: Monday 13:00 - 17:00; Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Telephone: (812) 303-50-00, 8256
Health Insurance
Health insurance is obligatory for foreign citizens.
Upon arrival in Russia you need to purchase a voluntary health insurance (VHI) policy, which covers the following types of medical care: medical check-ups, diagnostic examinations and consultations with doctors.
Medical Check-Up
When you arrive in the University, you are required to undergo a compulsory medical check-up. The University Clinic provides students with primary care for sudden illnesses and also organizes health promotion activities aimed at preserving and improving the students' health (medical check-ups, photofluorography, etc.)
Address of the University Clinic: Piskarevskiy pr. 47, building 26, 1st floor
Telephone: (812) 303-50-00, ext. 6700 (registration office)
Working hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00-16.00